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Iridology: The Eyes as a Diagnostic Tool

Close up of an eye.

Iridology is an artform or discipline that dates back to Chaldean and ancient Egyptian times. Even the ancient Babylonians recognised the value of assessing colour and structure variations to determine constitutional strength of the physical and emotional body. Whilst this artform has been further developed by European and Russian doctors in the 20th century as a reliable tool for detection of function and disease, the modern day irilodologist does not diagnose as such.

Iridologists assess the variations of colour and fibre structure to assess constitutional strength of our physical body, as well as aspects of the personality, which can be influenced by conscious and subliminal emotional patterns. Iridology is not a treatment therapy but rather a diagnostic tool used to detect underlying signs of developing disease. Iridology is used to determine health problems at their earliest stages in order to prevent illness and maintain optimum wellness.

Iridology can be used to determine individual predispositions, the colour and pattern of your eyes is a reflection of your unique genetic inheritance going back three generation.  Health issues will be visible in the iris and sclera at the earliest stages so shedding light on how a person can become the best version of themselves, gives self care and prevention a totally new dimension.

Today, people are in need of preventative health care and less complex methods on analysing their condition. Iridology provides a non-invasive, painless and economical means of looking into the body, which may be utilised in conjunction with any other system of analysis or diagnosis available.

In particular it is important to understand that:

  • the iris is a unique representation of the health issues of our forefathers

  • the iris also reflects our mental-emotional characteristics

  • the iris is indeed the window to the soul

  • how we live, love and learn will have an impact on our predispositions

  • the iris is our unique fingerprint (there are no two irises the same)

  • the iris tells us our constitution and its nurture points

  • thus helps us stay in good physical and emotional health

  • will tell us which organ system needs attention if the body has spiraled into un-wellness

  • opens the door to the journey within

What does Iridology demonstrate?

  1. The current health status of a person with reference to accumulation of toxins and identification of the elimination channels which need herbal and dietary support.

  2. Constitutionally inherited strength and weaknesses and the location of areas of the body and organ systems which need more attention than others.

  3. Iridology can also point to underlying areas of emotional and spiritual challenge and opportunity which are connected to any addictive dietary patterns or lifestyle imbalances implicated in a patient current health status.


How can Iridology help a person to embark on a health change program?

Iridology can help to target key areas of focus in health. For example, for one patient seeking to lose weight a stagnant colon may be the main area that needs to be cleansed and Iridology will clearly point to this. For another, comfort eating due to stress could be the main issue and stress is clearly indicated in the iris picture. Not only will Iridology point to stress as the culprit in this case but also to the specific kind of stress. Sometime stress can be held in the body indicating the need for therapies such as bodywork and yoga, and sometimes it can be held primarily in the mind indicating for example the need for rest and relaxation and meditation. A third possibility in the case of weight loss for example might be poor liver function, so that the body has difficulty breaking down fats. This in turn will indicate the need for specific herbs and even suggest that the patient consider some of the emotional issues underlying poor liver function e.g. repressed passion leading to imbalanced expression of anger.

Iridology yields a vast amount of information about the mind/body relationship and the primary cause and ultimate treatment of disease.

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Hastings, MN 55033



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