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Potential Benefits of Natural Health Care

What is Natural Health Care? The goal of Natural Health Care is to address the root cause of an illness because it’s intended to be a long-term solution.

Natural Health Practitioners and naturopaths are often considered “holistic practitioners” because they consider each client’s unique physical, mental, emotional, genetic, environmental, social, and spiritual factors when forming a wellness plan.

I Offer Clients Personalized, Holistic Care

You can expect your initial visit to last approximately 1 1/2 hours, since building a strong relationship is an important component of effective care. You can expect an in-depth discussion about your health history, diet, sleep, exercise, stress levels, environmental factors and use of alcohol/drugs/tobacco. You can expect to have a urinalysis to check 10 biomarkers, a ZYTO Bioscan, facial analysis and other possible evaluation procedures, which may include: physical observation, MRT (Muscle Response Testing), and/or iridology reading. From this, I will look for root causes of any dis-ease you may be having, formulate a plan to best meet your needs, & work toward your overall wellness. I Educate Clients Natural Health Care focuses on educating the client to take their health into their own hands as much as possible and prevent future illnesses and possibly reversing current complaints.

I Try to Decrease the Need for Medications I will try to improve or resolve conditions using natural health practices such as nutrition interventions, herbs, and homeopathy, Bach flower remedies, and nanomolecular drops.

Stress management and appropriate exercise are also commonly involved. A combination of different techniques and lifestyle changes can help to limit the need for medications or decrease the dosage. You will need to work with your physician to alter the dosage. I Try to Help Prevent Symptoms from Returning One of the most attractive things about Natural Health Care is its ability to help keep symptoms from returning. This is due to the focus on addressing root problems of issues such as allergies, a poor diet, lack of sleep, etc. In Summary Sharing Natural Health Care with everyone God puts in front of me is both my pleasure and my responsibility. I work WITH the body’s God-given ability to heal and function optimally! I help you Uncover the Root Cause of Your Dis-ease so that you can heal from the inside out.

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17 juin 2023
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Great explanation. Thank you for posting it.

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